Monday, November 27, 2006

ten minute chat

What are you at? recent encounters with books and movies....All the Pretty horses by Cormac Mcarthy is a fantastic read so far....enjoying the book greatly...

at this moment

am listerning to a guy complain about his dog food to a guy on the phone as I type this...earlier he slammed the phone down because his wife couldnot tell him when he should come to hospital to get her...he is having an interesting many of the people due at an employment agengy look up that is what is happening while I type...He is in a little vocal jousting match with the secretary about the use of the phone for private calls...and suddenly he leaves...

Saw Borat and will give you my full take on film...I know you can'yt wait...

as well as Casiono Royal

lots of movies this month...

may even go see death of a president though Tibbs told me it is boring...and it sounds it but what the hell it's only 6 bucks....

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