Monday, October 30, 2006

Short bus rocks

Short Bus delivers a canid pornographic character driven view on sexuality and the misconceptions we have towards love and sexual satisfaction. Sooke Yin Lei of much music fame ( DNTO host as well) delivers a great performance as a sex therpaist who can't have an organism. The play revolves around each individual characters struggles with relationships or lack there of...all finfd themselves drawn to a sex club called Short bus in lower manhatten..What got me first was the use of claymation or paper mache or something that creates the entire new York City and is used as atransition piece between day and night and black out and non black out of fall 2004. There is a lot to like about the film, it challenges my core beliefs as a white single Irish hetro male with my prudish ways. But there is room for voyers in this film as well as participants it's a strange ride this short bus..Is it porn well yes sort it a character driven serious film...well yes sort of...should you go see it...definitly

Sunday, October 22, 2006

zoo hilton with no paris hilton-- script three


Pantomime Sequence: CK enters and introduces the following actors as cues for the audience to react. (Evil- ,Good- ,Alien- Anna- )

Scene one ( Doctor Spot and Mister Surprise)

What happens? The two plot to take over the world by kidnapping the powerful Alien Crom Goth who is being held at the Mayhem city Zoo.

Enter Mister Surprise pacing the stage, quickly rubbing hands together.

Mr. Surprise: It’s perfect. We cannot fail. We will take over the world. Rahahah…rahaha.

Enter Doctor Spot carrying a bag of Loot. Sets it down on stage and sits on a chair very tired.

Mr. Surprise: Doctor Spot I have great news; the Alien Crom Goth is being held at the Mayhem Zoo. All we have to do is capture him and use his power. And you know what that means.

Rising from his chair Doctor Spot meets Mister Surprise at the front of stage.

Both: We will take over the World.


Scene two ( Emmno Pavano the half ton hamster, Momo Madster the movin tiger, Roxxi Roller the rad dog, Ferocious the floppin Frog, Ash Tanenbomb the Zoo keeper and Alligator tamer)

What happens? The animals talk about Crom Goth and give a bleak view of how it must be hard for a king like him to be reduced to living in an earth animal jail. Frog contacts the good guys; (Iburt El Tosta and Lady Lauren) about the Crom Goth situation. He tells them that the bad guys are probably going to try and capture Crom Goth for themselves.


We see the animals in back ground caged and Ash the Zookeeper about to feed them, he carries a big bag and starts throwin food into the cage.

Ash: You think your special animals. You’re not special. You’re just plain. If only this hotel had some Alligators. Oh how I would love to wrestle an alligator. It’s been so long.

Ash Drags bag and walks of stage in a sad way. Animals begin to eat and talk.

Momo: Umm this is not bad, not bad at all. I think I’ll have seconds, maybe thirds.

Roxxi: How can you eat? Don’t you know that Crom Goth the King is coming here today. He will be so sad and unhappy in this jail. He was a king on planet Orkon now he is just like us.

Emmano Pavano: He ruled for over a million years. He ate like a king for a million years. Now he has to eat horrible food in this jail. We must clean up the place and make him welcome. Yes, we will throw him a party, Welcome to earth “it’s not so bad” party.

Frog walks up to centre stage, takes of flipper and starts to talk into it.

Ferocious: Hello, come quick to the zoo I think the bad guys are coming for Crom Goth.


Chorus: “mean while” in the ‘good guys’ lair etc.etc..


Scene three ( Lady Lauren, Iburt Eltosta)

What happens? We are at the Good guys lair they decide to use their special tricycles to get to the Mayhem zoo as quick as possible.

Iburt Eltoasta holding shoe to ear responds to frogs phone call.

Iburt Eltosta: Holy-Jimminy!! I just got a message from the frog. And Dog-gonnit: He was right all along. Doctor spot and Mister Surprise are going to the zoo after the Alien for his powers. And you know what that could mean?

Both: They could take over the World!

Quickly the retreat to the side and uncover a set of tricycles. They hop on and begin they’re journey to the Zoo.


Scene four

( Animals, Ash and Com Goth behind curtain, Princess Rosie-Thorne and Anna-fo-Fanna the Lama artist)

What happens? Animals discuss the bad conditions of their jail and argue with Ash. Ash eventually introduces Crom Goth to audience member. Eventually from back of the crowd walks in Princess Rosie-Thorne and Anna fo-Fanna the royal artist. Audience reacts. Bow from Ash.

Enter Ash and and zoo-animals.

Ash: No I cannot give you steak every day and a massage every night. We can’t afford to run the…the hotel if we give you everything you want. I want alligators at the hotel but we cannot afford them, do you hear me complain. No. I never complain. So eat your food and no I cannot give you balloons for your party.

All animals: (chanting) We have No rights! We have No rights! We have No rights! Give us Balloons! Give us Balloons! Give us Ball……

Ash: SHUT YOUR FURRY FACES!! I don’t get paid enough for this!!

Roxxi: This place is a stinky-pit! We know the difference between a stinky-pit and a hotel and this is a stinky-pit! We can’t we leave. We can’t watch Crocodile Hunter! We cant’….

Ash: Well that’s because… .. well… forget it.

Emmano and Momo: We have to eat smelly old car tires and crummy crosiant crusts!

All animals: Yeah! We deserve better!

Ash: And you will get better! A very important person is coming today. If you are well behaved I will give you all a special treat.

All animals: Stop your lies!

All erupt and start jumping up and down making noise, throwing toilet paper at Ash, he stands like a statue covered in t.paper. they scrape a cup across the floor like you would bars in a real jail. The Frog starts playing the Harmonica. Then Ash blows a
whistle. He walks to Centre stage and address audience, like he would a crowd at a zoo.

Ash: Please! Please! Please! I have someone I would like you all to meet. He is a king.

Animals start to quiet.

Ash: A leader from a far away galaxy. Two days ago he lived in a palace and ruled trillions. Today he lives with a terriable Tiger, a half ton hamster and a dalmation from the Danish nation . Who of you is daring enough to look at Crom Goth “The Orkon King?”

Walks out into stage and asks the audience, brings the pre ordained someone up and they react with a scream as preordered at beginning of script. Ash lets him return to seat and then Princess will enter.

This is where it gets crazy we have a freak out by an audience member and resuscitation by ck and bd…

Lights up.

Ash: As you can see Ladies and Gentleman Crom Goth is not for everyone. who else is bold enough to see this creature.

Lights down

Enter Rose and Anna from crowd. Audience hisses…..oh her again.

Anna: I am! Let me see the ugly creature for myself. Though he can’t be much more ugly then all of you. Ugly! Everything in this zoo is ugly. Ugly Flowers. Ugly Cats. Ugly people. Ugly. Ugly. Ugly. Don’t you think so Anna.

Anna stops painting and speaks

Anna: No. Audience Whoa you go girl!

Rose: Well what do you know; you think everything is beautiful. Big surrrrrrrprise! But I tell you everything is ugly. Uggggggly!

Ash is a little scared at approaching the Princess but he does. Anna goes and starts painting the animals. First she sits down by them. Ash and Princess go to view Crom Goth.

Ash: Behold King Crom Goth.

Princess looks. Looks some more. Her frown is leaving her. She starts to smile. She starts to jump up and down. Tries to go towards Crom Goth. But Ash stops her.

Princess Rosie Thorne: How dare you stop a Princess who is in love.

All: Love?

Princess: Why he is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I must speak with him. I am in love. In love. In love.

She dances as she speaks and Anna comes to her side trying to get her to leave.

Ash: Well that is it for today folks. Come back and see Crom Goth tomorrow in cell, I mean room 108. Thank you and Good night.

Princess aside

Princess: Am I crazy? Everything here was ugly and now it’s beautiful. Beautiful flowers, beautiful cats, beautiful everything. I think…I think…I Have found my prince.

Anna: On no not again! Let’s go home girl. (Raises paint brush in air)

Raises paint brush reaction is You go girl by audience.

Scene 5


Lady Lauren: Well this case is getting interesting. An alien, a princess, two villains with an evil plan. What can we do El tosta?

El Tosta: Jumping joeholsafat! What can we do? What must we do? We will do… I’ll tell you what we will do.

Both: We will. We will. We will. Think of something; we hope.

All leave stage except animals and Crom Goth enters Cell and starts to talk.

Crom Goth: Hi every body I’m Crom Goth the King. And let me tell you humans sure know how to make an alien welcome. Speeches, A crowd, a princess who loves me and a great-decorated room with cool earth animals. How did I ever get so lucky?

The animals look at him like he’s crazy.

All: Huh? What? You’re joking right. You must be joking. Hahahahaha…good one Crom Goth…good one…hahahahahaha.

Crom Goth: No, I’m telling the truth. Back on Orkon I had to help everyone all the time. I had to go to parades. Fire zeons. Hire nables. Go to a smokla party every zinzong. Live in a big what you call “castle”. All alone. I never had many what call “friends” because I had so much “responsibility.” Now I have lots of “buddies”, and have zero “responsibility”. Yippeeeeee.

Momo: But don’t you miss being a leader?

frog: Yeah, you’re a king, now you’re a prisoner.

Crom Goth: Come now. I get fed here, right? I get to sleep here, right? I get to play games with you animals’ right? And a princess loves me. That is not a bad life. Much better than on my planet.

All: Ok. But this is a stinky pit that you can’t leave.

Crom Goth: Who said anything about leaving? I don’t want to ever. I’m sick of huge “castles” and being a king. Let’s play something.

All animals: You’re crazy Crom Goth.

Crom Goth: No I’m free, I’m finally free! Let’s play….

Roxxi: Frisbee.

Crom Goth: What is freesbee?



El Tosta: Holy pot holes Lauren dude! Watch your drivin.

Lauren: Stop. Stop. El Tosta you know we should really consider getting those new hummer c2 cycles. This is taking forever.

ElTosta: I know the budget won’t allow it. So being a good guy means being a fandastical frugal mite sometimes. All we can hope is that they don’t use plan B

Lauren: Plan B!..Not plan B! how did they get plan b?

El Tosta: They traded plan A for it.

Lauren: Nooooooooooooooooo!

Scene six (Animals, ash, Doctor Spot, Mister Surprise)

What happens: the Villains try to break in the cage using the old “hand me this” bit. The animals react to the situation as Frog finally comes clean and tells truth.


Animals asleep in back ground. Villains trying to break in to get Crom Goth.

Doctor Spot: Ok. Let’s look at the plan. We have a cage here locked. We have an alien inside with super powers we want.

Both: So we can take over the world!

Both: Shhhhhhhhh!

Mister Surprise: I say we use plan B. (We hear the chorus scream nooooo.) Did you hear that? No? Give me the bag.

They begin by taking out stuff, random stuff, and naming it as follows.

Doctor Spot: Spot ring

Mister Surprise: Check

Doctor Spot: Left handed can opener.

Mister surprise: check.

Doctor spot: DVD of how to break into a zoo and steal an alien king part one.

Mister Surprise: Check

Doctor spot: rubber chicken

Mister surprise: rubber Chicken?

Doctor spot: For Luck. Right-handed squeegee.

Mister surprise: check

Doctor spot: under arm deodorant

Mister Surprise smells his pit.

Mister surprise: check.

Both: Let’s go and see what they have….

Enter audience and ask for a shoe a comb and a purse?

Both: Now we have it all. We will take over the world! Hahahahahahaha.

Meanwhile in the cage the animals can’t sleep. Crom Goth is snoring.

Momo: I don’t know why but I can’t sleep. I think it must be a full moon.
Starts roaring

Emmano: I think that there is too much drama at this silly stink pit since Crom Goth came.

Roxxi: Yeah, atleast before we had quiet now we have so many vistors throwing things at Crom Goth that we never get any quality time. I miss quality time. Remember quality time.

Momo: I like the drama. It keeps me young.

Frog freaks out!

Frog: Ferocious can’t take it any more! Ferocious has to tell you something.

All: What’s wrong ferocious frog?

Frog: The bad guys are coming to take Crom Goth Away

All: What?

Ferociaous Frog: Ferocious Frog isn’t some harmonica playing lilly pad lovin, toad tastin butterfly munchin’ road runnin’ no good lazy fruit fly eater. Ferocious frog lives on the edge fighting injustice in stinky pits everywhere.

Everyone smells their arm pits.

Frog: No Silly animals I investigate smelly zoo pits. Because Ferocious Frog is an undercover frog sent here by the W.A.Z.O.

# Chorus: that means WORLD ANTI-ZOO ORGANIZATION. Everyone what does W.A.Z.O STAND FOR? I CAN’T HEAR YOU?


Crom Goth: “The bad guys.” “The Good guys.” “The W.A.Z.O.?” What are you saying? Wait, what bad guys?


El Tosta:

Scene 7

Enter Doctor Spot and Mister Surprise.

Both: Da Da Dammmmmmmmmmmmm. We are the bad guys.

All: Oh no.

On his knees to the audience begging for help.

Frog: Where are you Iburt El Tosta when Ferocious needs you?

Doctor Spot: Mister surprise Cuff our royal friend; while I watch these lovely animals. You are all free of course.

All: Free? Yea for the bad guys!

Enter Ash

Ash: Holy hammer hock! What do you think you’re doing?

Doctor spot: Spot Power make him sleep.

Ash falls asleep. Both villains look at each other.

Both: Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeexcellent!

They walk with Crom Goth out towards crowd. The Good Guys enter from crowd on Tricycles barmping their horns.

Lauren and Iburt: HiiIIII-YA!!

Iburt elTosta: Stop! You vulgar villains! You are no match for the W.A.Z.O. ( audience reacts)

Do the hulk Hogan gesture…

Iburt ElTosta: ….and release Crom Goth.

The four battle (audience reacts to “Ooohh” sign and “Aaaahhhhh” sign). Back and forth battle. Weapons plunger, ring, toilet brush, toe nail clippers, spatula, rubber chicken, Kate Quarrie vs. Farbridge sign). Good guys backed into a lasoo. Roped up.

Mister Surprise: Now all of you- in the cage.

Emmano: But you said we were free.

Both: We are villains we lie all the time. Ahahahahahahahahaha. Get in the cage.

Enter screaming Warrior Princess from crowd. Anna slowly walks behind her after wards.

Princess Rosie Thorne: Nnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooo! You take your hands off of my man! Now!

Anna fo-Fanna raises paintbrush and crowd reacts with “You go girl!”

Villains look scared but pretend otherwise.

Mister Surprise: Your man, why he’s an alien and a very ugly alien at that. You should find a king that looks beautiful and manly liker Doctor Spot or me. Really you need to look harder at this alien. Am I right? Am I right? (raises spot ring; crowd reacts)
Audience boos him.

Princess: Crom Goth, oh Crom Goth have they hurt you. Because if they have they will feel the wrath of Princess Rosie Thorne. Now let my man go.

Frog: Ferocious senses love he does. …. ..Grossness! Uhhhgggggggg!

Doctor Spot: Enough. We rule Crom Goth and his powers so zap her Crom Goth and be done with her. Now.

Mister Surprise: Now…Now…We command

Crom Goth yawns through out this whole bit.

All : Say something Crom Goth!

Crom Goth: Something….hahahahaha. You villains are funny. You zoo keepers are funny. You all are funny. I like you all. I think I will stay here. Hahahahahahahahaa.

Villains: But we captured you?

Crom Goth: Captured? No one captured Crom Goth. I chose this planet as a vacation resort, because it has no one leader. And it was so different and wonderful. On Orkon I had to be the king, on earth I am just Crom Goth.
I like it here so much that I will stay.

All: But who will rule your world?

Anna puts down brush walks over to Crom Goth and says.

Anna: Send the bad guys up to your world since they love ruling planets so much.

All: Wow.

Crom Goth: Well Orkon does need rulers. And they have been very bad. You have been very bad, haven’t you?

Both: Yes we have, we deserve to be punished by being rulers of a planet. OH how terrible..Boo hooo…Boo hoo…hahaha…boo hooo…hahaha….. Of all the bad luck. What a punishment!

Crom Goth speaks into his shoe.

Crom Goth: Well then it is settled. Crom Goth to mother ship Sent down the travel pod now.


When they reappear the villains are gone.

scene 8

Lets party. Music, games, dances and so on as we celebrate the life of Crom Goth.

kids script three

kids script three

Thursday, October 19, 2006

second kids script


Pantomime Sequence: CK enters and introduces the following actors as cues for the audience to react.

Act one scene one ( Doctor Spot and Mister Surprise)
What happens? The two plot to take over the world by kidnapping the powerful Alien Crom Goth who is being held at the Mayhem city Zoo.

Enter Mister Surprise pacing the stage, quickly rubbing hands together.

Mr. Surprise: It’s perfect. We cannot fail. We will take over the world. Rahahah…rahaha.

Enter Doctor Spot carrying a bag of Loot. Sets it down on stage and sits on a chair very tired.

Mr. Surprise: Doctor Spot I have great news; the Alien Crom Goth is being held at the Mayhem Zoo. All we have to do is capture him and use his power. And you know what that means.

Rising from his chair Doctor Spot meets Mister Surprise at the front of stage.

Both: We will take over the World.


Act one scene two ( Emmno Pavano the danncin hamster, Momo madster the movin tiger, Roxxi Roller the rad dog, Ferocious the floppin Frog Ash Tanenbomb the Zoo keeper and Alligator tamer)
What happens? The animals talk about Crom Goth and give a bleak view of how it must be hard for a king like him to be reduced to Livin in an earth animal jail. Frog contacts the good guys, Iburt El Tosta and Lady Lauren about the Crom Goth situation. He tells them that the bad guys are probably going to try and capture Crom Goth for themselves.


WE see the animals in back ground caged and Ash the Zookeeper about to feed them, he carries a big bag and starts throwin food into the cage.

Ash: You think your special animals. You’re not special. You’re just plain. If only this hotel had some Alligators. Oh how I would love to wrestle an alligator it’s been so long.

Ash Drags bag and walks of stage in a sad way. Animals begin to eat and talk.

Momo: Umm this is not bad, not bad at all. I think I’ll have seconds, maybe thirds.

Roxxi: How can you eat? Don’t you know that Crom Goth the King is coming here today. He will be so sad and unhappy in this jail. He was a king on planet Orkon now he is just like us.

Emmano Pavano: He ruled for over a million years. Now he has to eat bad food in this jail. We must clean up the place and make him welcome. Yes, we will throw him a party, Welcome to earth “it’s not so bad” party.

Frog walks up to centre stage, takes of flipper and starts to talk into it.

Ferocious: Hello, come quick to the zoo I think the bad guys are coming for Crom Goth.

LIGHTS DOWN or “mean while” by the chorus.


Act one scene three ( Lady Lauren, Iburt Eltosta)
What happens? We are at the Good guys lair they decide to use their special tricycles to get to the Mayhem zoo as quick as possible.

Iburt Eltoasta holding shoe to ear responds to frogs phone call.

Iburt Eltosta: I just got a message from the frog. He was right all along. Doctor spot and Mister Surprise are going to the zoo after the Alien for his powers. And you know what that could mean?

Both: They could take over the World!

Quickly the retreat to the side and uncover a set of tricycles. They hop on and begin they’re journey to the Zoo.


Act one scene four ( Animals, Ash and Com Goth behind curtain, Princess Rose Toe and Anna the artist)

What happens? Animals discuss the bad conditions of their jail and argue with Ash. Ash eventually introduces Crom Goth to audience member. Eventually from back of the crowd walks in Princess Rose Toe and Anna the royal artist to a round of applause and a bow from Ash.

Ash: No I cannot give you steak every day and a massage every night. We can’t afford to run the…the hotel if we give you everything you want. I want alligators at the hotel but we cannot afford them, do you hear me complain. No. I never complain. So eat your food and no I cannot give you balloons for your party.

Roxxi: This place is a jail. I know the difference between a jail and a hotel and this is a jail. Why can’t we leave? Why do we eat when you say we can eat and sleep when you say we should sleep.

Emmano and Momo: Yeah!

Ash: Because…because…because…the hotel knows what is best for it’s customers. We love our customers and we always give our customer’s treats and toys. So how are we a jail?

All erupt and start jumping up and down making noise, throwing toilet paper at Ash, he stands like a statue covered in t.paper. they scrape a cup across the floor like you would bars in a real jail. The Frog starts playing the Harmonica. Then Ash blows a
whistle. He walks to Centre stage and address audience, like he would a crowd at a zoo.

Ash: Enough! I have someone I would like you all to meet. He is a king. A leader from a far away galaxy. Two days ago he lived in a palace and ruled trillions. Today he lives with a Tiger, a hamster and a dog. Who among you would like to take a glimpse at Crom Goth The King?

Walks out into stage and asks the audience, brings someone up and they react with a scream as preordered at beginning of script. Ash lets him return to seat and then Princess will enter.

Ash: As you can see Ladies and Gentleman Crom Goth is not for everyone who else is bold enough to see this creature.

Enter Rose and Anna from crowd.

Anna: I am! Let me see the ugly creature for myself. Though he can’t be much more ugly then all of you. Ugly! Everything in this zoo is ugly. Ugly Flowers. Ugly Cats. Ugly people. Ugly. Ugly. Ugly. Don’t you think so Anna.

Anna stops painting and speaks

Anna: No.

Rose: Well what do you know you think everything is beautiful. But I tell you everything is ugly.

Ash is a little scared at approaching the Princess but he does. Anna goes and starts painting the animals. First she sits down by them. Ash and Princess go to view Crom Goth.

Ash: Behold King Crom Goth.

Princess looks. Looks some more. Her frown is leaving her. She starts to smile. She starts to jump up and down. Tries to go towards Crom Goth. But Ash stops her.

Princess Rose Toe: How dare you stop a Princess who is in love.

All: Love?

Princess: why he is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen. I must speak with him. I am in love. In love. In love.

She dances as she speaks and Anna comes to her side trying to get her to leave.

Ash: Well that is it for today folks come back and see Crom Goth tomorrow in cell, I mean room 108. Thank you and Good night.

Princess: But I want to marry him. I love him. I need him.

Ash: Could you take the princess home please.

All leave stage except animals and Crom Goth enters Cell and starts to talk.

Crom Goth: Hi every body I’m Crom Goth the King. And let me tell you humans sure know how to make an alien welcome. Speeches, A crowd, a princess who loves me and a great-decorated room with cool earth animals. How did I ever get so lucky?

The animals look at him like he’s crazy.

All: What? You’re joking right. You must be joking. Hahahahaha…good one Crom Goth…good one…hahahahahaha.

Crom Goth: No, I’m telling the truth. Back on Orkon I had to help everyone all the time. I had to go to parades. Fire people. Hire people. Go to a party ever night. Live in a big castle. All alone. I never had many friends because I had so much responsibility. Now I have none. Yippeeeeee.

Momo: But don’t you miss being a leader?

frog: Yeah, you’re a king, now you’re a prisoner.

Crom Goth: I get feed here right. I get to sleep here right. I get to play games with you animals’ right. And a princess loves me and wants to marry me. That is not a bad life. Much better than on my planet.

All: Ok. But this is a jail you can’t leave.

Crom Goth: I don’t want to ever. I’m sick of huge palaces and ruling the world. Let’s play something.

Roxxi: Freebie?

Crom Goth: sure.


Act two scene one (Animals, ash, Doctor Spot, Mister Surprise)

What happens: the Villains try to break in the cage using the old “hand me this” bit. The animals react to the situation as Frog finally comes clean and tells truth.


Animals asleep in back ground. Villains trying to break in to get Crom Goth.

Doctor Spot: Ok. Let’s look at the plan. We have a cage here locked. We have an alien inside with super powers we want.

Both: So we can take over the world!

Both: Shhhhhhhhh!

Mister Surprise: I say we use plan B. It always works. Give me the bag.

They begin by taking out stuff, random stuff, and naming it as follows.

Doctor Spot: Spot ring

Mister Surprise: Check

Doctor Spot: Left handed can opener.

Mister surprise: check.

Doctor spot: DVD of how to break into a zoo and steal an alien king part one.

Mister Surprise: Check
Doctor spot: rubber chicken

Mister surprise: rubber Chicken

Doctor spot: For Luck. Right-handed squeegee.

Mister surprise: check

Doctor spot: under arm deodorant

Mister Surprise smells his pit.

Mister surprise: check.

Both: Let’s go and see what they have….

Enter audience and ask for a shoe a comb and a purse?

Both: Now we have it all. We will take over the world! Hahahahahahaha.

Meanwhile in the cage the animals can’t sleep. Crom Goth is snoring.

Momo: I don’t know why but I can’t sleep. I think it must be a full moon coming soon.

All: aha, yeah.

Frog: I can’t take it any more. I have to tell you something.

All: What?

Frog: The bad guys are coming to take Crom Goth Away

All: What!

Frog: But the good guys are coming.

Crom Goth: The bad guys. What bad guys

Enter Doctor Spot and Mister Surprise.

Both: Da Da Dammmmmmmmmmmmm. We are the bad guys.

All: Oh no.

Frog: where are you Iburt Tosta when I need you.

Doctor Spot: Mister surprise Cuff our royal friend; while I watch these lovely animals. You are all free of coarse.

All: Free

Enter Ash

Ash: Hey what do you think your doing

Doctor spot: Spot Power make him sleep.

Ash falls asleep. Both villains look at each other.

Both: excellent.

They walk with Crom Goth out towards crowd. The Good Guys enter from crowd on Tricycles barmping their horns.

Iburt Tosta: Stop Villains and release Crom Goth.

The four battle while the animals and Crom Goth look on. Good guys lose.

Mister Surprise: Now all of you in the cage.

Emmano: But you said we were free.

Both: We are villains we lye all the time. Ahahahahahahahahaha. Get in the cage.

Enter Warrior Princess from crowd. Anna slowly walks behind her after wards.


Princess Rose toe: Noooooooooooooooooooo! You take your hands off of my man! Now!

Villains look scared but pretend otherwise.

Mister Surprise: Your man, why heès an alien and a very ugly alien at that. You should find a king that looks beautiful and manly liker Doctor Spot or me. Really you need to look harder at this alien. Am I right. Well am I.

Audience boos him.

Princess: Crom Goth, oh Crom Goth have they hurt you. Because if they have they will feel the wrath of Princess Rose Toe. No let my man go.
Animals: She really likes you. Like too much dude.

Doctor Spot: Enough. We rule Crom Goth and his powers so zap her Crom Goth and be done with her. Now.

Doctor spot: Now.

Mister Surprise: Now.

Both: we command you.

Crom Goth yawns through out this whole bit.

Lady Lauren: Crom Goth say something.

Crom Goth: Something….hahahahaha. You villains are funny. You zoo keepers are funny. You all are funny. I like you all. I think I will stay here. Hahahahahahahahaa.

Villains: But we captured you.

Ash: and we captured you.

Animals: And we all are in jail together.

Heroes: and we came to save you.

Princess: And I love you…sorry wrong timing.

Crom Goth: I chose this planet because it has no one leader. And it was so different and wonderful. On Orkon I had to be the king, on earth I am just Crom Goth.
I like it here. I will stay.

All: But who will rule your world.

Anna puts down brush walks over to Crom Goth and says.

Anna: Send the bad guys up to your world since they love ruling planets so much.

All: Wow.

Crom Goth: Well Orkon does need rulers. And they have been very bad. You have been very bad, haven’t you.

Both: Yes we have, we deserve to be punished by being rulers of a planet. Of all the bad luck. What a punishment.

Crom Goth speaks into his shoe.

Crom Goth: Well then it is settled. Sent down the spaceship at any time.


When they reappear the villains are gone.

Act one scene three

Lets party. Music, games, dances and so on as we celebrate the life of Crom Goth.

Friday, October 13, 2006

a kids play



Act 1 scene 1 chorus with Ash.

Ash: We are at the beginning of a magicial journey. As you start traveling down the road of life, remember this: there are never enough comfort stops. The places you are going are never on a map. And once you get that map out, you won’t be able to refold it no matter how smart you are. So forget the map, roll down the windows, and whenever you can, pull over and have a picnic with a Princess.

Act 1 scene 2 Princess Rose and Crom Goth
What happens? Princess Rose meets the Alien Crom Goth and after some bickering they become friends.

Princess Rose: Ohhhhh, my stomach. I should never have eaten that burnt toast last night. I always say that burnt toast does not agree with a Princess’ stomach. Well, I’ll just have to get the servants to clean up the mess I made in the royal washroom, that’s what it’s like to be me, never a dull moment. Who am I? Why I’m Princess Rose and this better be a bad dream.

Princees Rose lies down on floor and falls asleep. Enter Cron Goth

Cron Goth: Humans bow down before me.

Princess Rose: Daddy I never gave the horse your crown. I swear.

Crom Goth: I am not your Daddy. I am Crom Goth the Conqueror.

Princess Rose: Well I am Princess Rose the tired, so get out boggy man.

Crom Goth: I am no boggy man. You will lead me to your king.

Princess Rose: Get out of my castle before I send my guards to get you.

Cron Goth: Cron Goth is afraid of no guards, bow down before me.

Princess Rose: Guards! Guards! Guards!

Cron Goth: Where is your King? He will knell before Crom.

Princess Rose: Mom Dad call the Army an alien is in the Castle.

Cron Goth: I’m no ordinary Alien I’m a Prince.

Princess Rose: You a prince I don’t believe it! Guards!

Cron Goth: Well I don’t believe you are a Princess! Guards!

Princess Rose: What are you doing?

Cron Goth: Waiting for your pretend guards to show up.

Princess Rose: You think that I’m lying. That I am lying. How dare you!

Cron Goth: In my world we would call you a malarker, a nottly malarker.

Princess Rose: Well In my world. And this is my world they call Me Princess Rose!

Cron Goth: Say it don’t splanaker it!

Princess Rose: Well I never! Guards! Where are those guards?

Cron Goth: What a malarker.

Princess Rose: Wait it’s Monday night.

Crom Goth: What is Monday night?

Princess Rose: They always watch the jousting matches on Monday night.

Crom Goth: What are Jousting matches.

Princess Rose: Help, help, help!

Cron Goth: Maybe you are a princess. Back on Orkon we captured a Morkon Princess and she was the only thing that scared me. That is before you.

Princess freezes, circles the alien, and then speaks.

Princess Rose: You are afraid of me?

Cron Goth: Yes you do. If I weren’t would I just stand here? I would slambazzle your kanazzle into oblivion.

Princess Rose: Well you should be afraid of me. I am an unguarded princess who else in what kingdom would let their only daughter be left alone unprotected and….

Starts to cry.

Cron Goth: What is this? What are you doing? Is the water from of your crombots going to destroy me?

Princess rose: What? No, no, no, just let have a minute.

Cron Goth: What is a minute?

Princess rose: I need to be alone Crom Goth can you visit me again some other time?

Crom Goth: Crom Goth suppose to take over earth tomorrow, how about next day?

Princess Rose: Come to dinner. I’d love my parents and the especially the guards to meet you.

Princess Rose presents her hand and Crom Goth licks it.

Crom Goth: Ummm.

Princess shakes her head and both walk in separate directions.


Act 1 scene 3 Chorus Sizzling joe, Anna Roseleaf mimes as Chorus talks.

Sizzling Joe: This is Anne With an E. Not Ann with an N. Painting her passion she is always in fashion. What is happening here? Happens because of her brush. She flicks some red here, some brown there and bang….A masterpiece before your eyes. This is her surprise. Or is it a dream. It’s not as easy as it seems.

Anne Roseleaf: I love to paint. La la la. La la la. La la la.

Act 1 scene 4 Emma, Roxxi, Momo and Annna

What happens? Anna meets the three animals and paints a beautiful picture of the three.

Enter Emma, Momo and Roxxi
Hamster, Dog and tiger run around stage even sniffing Anna as she paints.

Roxxi: Try and catch me Emma.

Emma: No you try and catch me.

Momo: Roar! Will you too be quiet I think I might just curl up here and take a nice…Ahhh, nap.

Momo goes to take a nap. Anne starts to quietly walk into scene and paint the Tiger sleeping while Roxxi and Emma watch.

Roxxi: What is she doing?

Emma: I don’t know is she dancing with a stick?

Roxxi: I love fetching sticks make her throw it.

Emma: Shhhh. You’ll wake Momo.

Anna continues to paint momo wakes up.

Momo: Roar! What are you doing? How dare you…You…What are you doing with that stick and red mud?

Anna smiles is calm and talks happily to Momo

Anna: Why I’m painting a beautiful scene. With you in between. That dog and that rat.

Emma: I’m not a rat! I’m a hamster. I’m Emma the hamster.

Anna: Hamster to meet you…Emma.

Emma: That’s funny. She’s funny.

Roxxi: Well I’m Roxxi the dog and I think your picture is great but can you make me jump higher that that?

Emma: And me can you make me look bigger?

Anna: Sure with a flick here and here and bang…you’re a bigger than life.

Momo stomps over and looks at painting.

Momo: What’s all this?

Anna: A painting

Momo: Who said you could do this? Roxxi?

Roxxi: I didn’t see the harm.

Emma: It’s really nice.

Momo: Roar! How dare you I was asleep.

Anna: I didn’t want to wake you.

Emma: It’s quite good.

Roxxi: You really should…

Anna: Just look…

Momo: No.

Anna: You are really quite beautiful.

Emma and Roxxi: Please look

Momo looks at painting says nothing for a long while looks and looks and looks and finally

Momo: Well it’s pretty good… great actually..I look beautiful and Majestic and…

Emma: Asleep.

Roxxi: I think you are snoring. Can you put some zzzzz above Momo’s head?

Momo: hahaha. Roar!

Anna: Is there anything you would like in the picture?

Momo: Why yes. Put some Porcupines casing Roxxi and Emma. Those over there should do.

Roxxi and Emma run and run hiding behind a tree.

Momo: hahahahahaha…ahhhhh.hahahahaha.

Emma: Monkey! Monkey! Watch out for the monkey Momo you know you’re afraid of them.

Monkey starts to walk towards momo.

Momo does not believe it. Anna continues to paint.

Momo: I’m not falling for that one…No…I am king of this forest…I am the bravest of the beasts I am…Oh my! Oh my! Monkey!

Runs and hides behind Emma and Roxxi. Monkey grabs Anna’s hand and they walk away together.


Act 2 scene 1 chorus Lady Lauren

Lady Lauren: In life and in dreams there are no rules and those are the rules. Here come and see the battle between good and evil-Toast and those who don’t like toast.

Exit Lady Lauren

Act 2 Scene 2 Doctor Spot, Ferocious frog and Sizzling Joe.

What happens? Super hero vs Super villain as a piece of toast tries to talk some sense into them.

Doctor Spot and Ferocious enter chasing each other circling the various frozen characters. Slowly Sizzling Joe Enters not amused one bit.

Doctor Spot: You are weak compared to the powers of Doctor Spot.

Ferocious Frog: Come here and say that to my Fire breath

Blows fire breath

Doctor Spot: I can do more. Watch this.

Throws spot power crystals from pocket into the sky.

Ferocious frog: Watch me use my spike power.

Doctor spot: Wait till doctor surprise comes and then you’ll be sorry.

Ferocious frog: Spike my Rhino sidekick will easily defeat Mr. surprise.

Sizzling Joe grabs frog and Doctor spot and brings them to the front of stage.

Sizzling Joe: Will you two knock it off. Here shake hands and be friends. Go on.
I mean it. Here have some toast. Everyone loves toast.

Both take toast and then begin to battle again.

Sizzling Joe: Enough! I’m a simple toaster maker. I collect breadcrumbs. I have few complaints. I fall asleep on the wrong side of the toaster.
But you two have got to stop this. We are in big trouble.

Both: How do you mean?

Both: We both are fighting.

Both: We both love to fight.

Both: We have no problem.

Start running around again.

Doctor Spot: Feel my spot power, the whole police force of Mayhem City falls before me.

Ferocious Frog: Never! That City is free from you forever!

Sizzling Joe: Stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both Freeze

Sizzling Joe: Where are we? Do you know where we are? Why we are here? Why the three of us are together? Why Doctor Spot is not with Mr. Surprise? Why Rhino is not here Frog? Why a piece of toast is talking to you? Well do you?

Both: No.

Both: Maybe it’s a mystery.

Both: Yeah.

Ferocious Frog: If good defeats evil something good always happens.

Doctor spot: You mean when Evil defeats good something expensive is always stolen.

The two begin to battle again. Sizzling Joe grabs a lasso and ties the two together and brings them to centre stage.

Sizzling Joe: What do you remember last?

Both: What?

Sizzling Joe: What do you remember last?

Both: I don’t know.

Sizzling Joe: I was fixing a toaster.

Doctor spot: Wait.

Sizzling Joe: Yes Spot.

Doctor Spot: I was robbing a bank with Mr. Surprise… I went home…and ate some burnt toast.

Sizzling Joe: And you Frog?

Doctor spot: Burnt Toast?

Ferocious Frog: Me and Rhino were battling a super cat and…

Doctor spot: Super Cat. hahaha.

Sizzling Joe: Spot be quiet.

Ferocious frog: And before I went to bed I ate some burnt toast!

Both: You, you sent us here.

Doctor Spot: With your potion filled burnt toast. And nowwe are here.

Sizzling Joe: The two have nothing to do with each other.

Ferocious Frog: Oh yeah, Rhino never had burnt toast. He hates toast.

Sizzling Joe: Hates toast?

Doctor Spot: And Dr. Surprise only eats Porridge, never toast.

Sizzling Joe: Never Toast! How dare they!

The Two start to walk slowly towards Sizzling Joe, they freeze and Anna the painter strolls with monkey holding hand starts painting them and then goes off stage.

Act 2 scene 3 chorus Crom Goth:

Crom Goth:
It’s not east bein’ brown
Havin’ to spend each day the color of chocolate bars, When I think it might be nicer being red, or yellow, or gold or something more colorful than that.
But brown is the color of A bear. And Brown can be calm and friendly like. And brown is like the bark on a tree or important like a desert or a farmer’s field.
When Brown is all there is to be, It could make you wonder, why, but why wonder, why wonder? I am brown, and it’ll do fine and I think it’s what I want to be.

Act 2 Scene 4 Ash, Lady Lauren, Mr. Suprise

What happens? Ash is frustrated at the possibility that he is lost forever. Lady Lauren and Mr. surprise argue about why each of them are here in this strange place.

Enter Ash

Ash: She’ll beat you.

Enter Mr. Surprise

Mr. Surprise: What do you mean?

Enter Lady Lauren

Lady Lauren: He means Superheroes always win.

Ash: That’s right unless your facing Ash the Alligator Wrestler. And Thunderbolt maker.

Mr. Surprise: Has anyone seen Doctor Spot? I can’t reach him on my shoe phone.

Lady Lauren: Doctor Spot? Isn’t he in jail?

Mr. Surprise: How dare you. Feel my S ring power…

Lady Lauren: I heard he was captured by the crime league?

Mr. Surprise: Feel my S power…

Lady Lauren: Or Did Ferocious Frog stop him?

Mr. Surprise: My S power is not working…This must be a bad dream.

Ash: I will Thunderbolt the two of you if you don’t tell me where we are?

Mr. Surprise: You think he was Captured by Ferocious Frog?

Ash: Where are we?

Mr. Surprise: Next you’ll tell me a piece of toast sent us here.

Ash: I love toast. Especially when it’s burnt.

Lady Lauren: Why are we here? Have you something to steal? Is that it?

Ash: Ash is growing impatient. I will thunderbolt the both of you!

Both: Be quiet!

Mr. Surprise: Perhaps you are sent here to prevent me from helping Doctor Spot?

Ash: Enough! I bolt you!

The two dive out of the way get back up and resume conversation as Ash stomps the ground.

Lady Lauren: Is there some piece of art here that you want to steal?

Mr. surprise: What? Are you mad. Where is this art?

Lady Lauren: Maybe kidnap an artist like you did in mayhem city till they gave all those watercolors to you.

Mr. Surprise: That’s ridiculous; I would never do that without my doctor Spot.

Lady Lauren: Maybe your greedy. Maybe you know exactly where we are.

Ash: I bolt you!

They both duck and fall away to floor rolling to the side.

Ash: I have been very patient. I have Alligators to tame. I miss my home. This is no place for a boy like me. Send me back now or I’ll bolt the two of you.

Mr. Surprise: Is that your answer for everything? Even I a super villain can be patient sometimes.

Lady Lauren: He has a point. An evil don’t trust him point, but a point. Be patient Ash, please.

Ash: Ok. What next?


Act 3 scene 1 chorus Doctor Spot

Doctor Spot: We have all had dreams. Good ones, bad ones, silly ones, unexplained ones, ones we can remember, ones we’d like to forget; but have you ever had one with twelve characters at the same time I doubt it quite one bit.

Act 3 scene 2 everyone.

What happens? The mystery is solved. All is well. And everyone is happy with Anna’s painting.


All stand perfectly still. Wait some more. Look around. They see Anna walking around painting.

All: Hey, Let’s ask her.

All: Why are we here?

Anna: Well that is a question. A good one to ask. A task for a Wiseman. A good one just passed.

All: what are you talking about?

Anna: May I paint you three with those animals?

All: Well where are we?

Anna: Why you are where you are and where you are is where you need to be. Don’t you see that that is always the way it is to be?

All: Huh?

Lady Lauren: We are, where we are and where we are is where we need to be? That is the way it is always to be?

Anna: That’s right.

Ash: We are…. where we are…. and where we are…. is where we need to be.

Mr. Surprise: that is the way…. it is always to be.

Anna: Exactly.

All: Ok.

Anna: Come, meet the animals, we can play and paint.

The three walk over pet the animals and begin to talk to the other characters.

Mister Surprise: So you’re a tiger? How do you like that?

Momo: You’re a human wearing a weird cape how do you like that?

Mister Surprise: Nice talking to you. Can we go now? I need to find Doctor spot?

Anna: He’s fine where he is.

Mister Surprise: You know where he is?

Anna: He’s with a frog and a piece of Toast.

Mister Surprise: Ferocious Frog?

Lady Lauren: Sizzling Joe?

Ash: Who?

Mister Surprise: I’m Mr. Surprise; tell me how to find him?

Lady Lauren: I think you better wait. She doesn’t care you’re a super villain only about painting and play.

Ash: This is strange. What’s going on dog?

Roxxi: My name is Roxxi, and Anna is sweet. Don’t you dare hurt her or we’ll get Momo mad and you don’t want that do you.

Ash: I’m an alligator trainer and no tiger….

Lady Lauren: Will you two please just let the lady paint us and then you can leave. Is that ok Anna?

Anna: You can leave at any time. I just thought it would be fine to paint you with some friends of mine.

Mister Surprise: Ok, ok you win paint away.

As they paint the Princess come in hand and hand with Crom Goth….

Princess Rose: We’re getting married.

All: Who are you?

Anna: That’s Princess Rose and King Crom Goth.

All: You’re a King?

Crom Goth: I am king. She will be my queen we will rule Orkon.

All: Orkon.

Mr. Surprise: Ok I’m out of here.

Anna: Congratulations Princess would you like to be in the painting?

Princess Rose: Only if Crom is in it.

All: Sure.

Emma: What are you?

Crom Goth: I am a Orkonite I live millions of earth miles from here.

Roxxi: Wow. Super Cool.

Princess Rose: I hope this is not a dream I never have been so happy.

Mr. Surprise: Never been so happy has she seen this guy?

Momo: Are you talking to me? Are you talking to me? You must be because I don’t see any other tigers here.

Mr. Surprise: Don’t be so dramatic.

Lady Lauren: He’s just sad because his best buddy likes Frogs and toast more than him.

Mr. Surprise: Doctor Spot would never do that.

Ash: He is evil.

Lady Lauren: Very evil.

Both: Super duper evil.

Mr. Surprise: Could he have done that?

Princess Rose: Wait where is my horse? I always have a horse? We must go back for my horse.

Crom Goth: As you wish my Queen.

Crom Goth and princess leave

Ash: When is this painting done?

Anna: You can go Ash. And all the animals. Go play somewhere.

All: Bye,,RoaR..BYE…BYE..

Exit Ash, momo, Emma, roxxi

Enter Sizzling Joe being chased by Ferocious Frog and Doctor Spot.

Ferocious Frog: Stop Toast you’ll never escape Ferocious Frog with my fire breath.

Doctor Spot: I think you mean Doctor Spot and his Spot Power there Frog.

Ferocious Frog: No my fire breath and spikes can do the job thank you very much.

Doctor Spot: You really think you’re better than me just because you can breath fire? Well I have spot power that is ten times better than any old fire.

Ferocious Frog: Prove it.
Doctor Spot: I don’t have to. I’m Doctor Spot. The most…

Sizzling Joe: Will you two be quiet. And look around you. Where are we now and who are these people?

Both: Hello.

Mr. Surprise: Doctor Spot?

Doctor Spot: Mr. Surprise?

Mr. Surprise: Is that really you?

Doctor Spot: But I thought you were some place else stealing without me?

Mr. Surprise: And I thought maybe you were doing the same thing.

Both: Come here buddy,

They hug

Ferocious Frog: Did you guys just hug?

Lady Lauren: I believe they did.

Sizzling Joe: Did anyone take a picture of that, that show of goodness.

Doctor Spot: We are not good we are evil.

Mr. Surprise: We steal and rob and do evil things.

Both: We sleep evil, eat evil and are evil.

All: I don’t think so.

Anna: It will make a lovely painting. I think I’ll call it Hugs from Thugs.

Lady Lauren: So what now?

Sizzling Joe: Yes what now?

Lady Lauren: You can tell us how you sent us all here with those magical toast powers!

Mister Surprise: Lady Lauren with all evil respect we were wrong about Joe his toast never sent Doctor Spot here.

Ferocious Frog: And Rhino never came here either.

Lady Lauren: Well if Joe never did then who?

All look at Anna painting peacefully, all the characters start to surround her and then the animals come in and protect her and she calmly lays down her brush mimes moving the canvas facing towards the stage, the audience is the canvas.

All the characters start looking out towards the audience….

Princess Rose: Why that’s me. I’m on my horse. I’m so happy and free. I look beautiful. Like a dream.
Thank you Anna.

Momo: And look there is the three of us down in the forest playing games and moving about. Look at you jump Roxxi. Look at you run Emma chasing Roxxi’s freebie why it’s as big as you.

All three: Thank you Anna.

Sizzling Joe: Look at you two chasing each other up there in the sky flying around. As if you guys could fly. But it is quite the sight, And there’s me making toasters, gee that’s a great looking toaster the biggest toaster I’ve ever seen just like the one I dream of.

Ash: Wow look at that alligator a thousand feet high and I’m taming it. So cool. And you Mr. Surprise and Lady Lauren just relaxing sitting. One having tea in China the other counting money and smiling. This is the greatest picture ever.

All: This is the greatest picture ever. Thank you Anna.

Princess Rose: Is there any thing we can do for you?

Anna: Yes, you can wake up.

All fall down and wake at different times, slowly exiting the stage

Saturday, October 07, 2006


On reading ALIGATOR BY Lisa Moore

The book is a hard to place memory book of interchangeable actions that connect each character through character titled chapters such as Colleen Valetin and Frank....I find this method a great way for the author to flash at you exactly that this will be franks monologue, thoughts situation, point of view, it is some what like a play in that it gives the reader the exact frame of reference to what is happening for that character at that times there is a cross over one time Frank's and then collen's similar perspective on a twist the two shared that is rather interesting and some what sad..... as the male characters in this book lack any great qualities..... while the female characters are film makers, eco teroists who travel and steal for their passions...the men own hot dog carts, fold under and work at walmart because of emotional difficulties....It's not that I don't admire the work, I just don't love it..... and at times I wonder why she was so keen in writing in the way she did...I didn't expect to be gender offended by the book... but I guess I am....and that's strange because the last book I read really had no real likeable characters...Lullaby...but it had a stern plot force that led you away from the characters as central...where as here you better like the characters, the imagery and St.john's..because it's front and centre....

For me the book yet unfinished is yet to be rated...but not what I expected...maybe I got caught reading the same books and this is my finally with these slice of life books for a while....

I'd love to hear your thoughts....

on writing a kids play

On organizing a script and characters for a kids play...
this is my break and freeform form to inspire and maybe get some comments from the world wide web necks....

I have tweleve students with a wide varienty of artist age 12...
three super villians
three super hero's
a princess
an alien
a dog
a tiger
a toaster man
and a pokemon trainer...

We have a wide selection of plot lines to plug in these characters...

one that encompasses the three plot lines and sub plots voted by the kids came to this improbable and problamatic scenerio...

Lost IN THE FOREST NEAR a CASTLE but really in a CAVE...CIRCUS PERFORMERS search for HORSES who live in a VOLCANO and eatPOPCORN and shoot out LASERS from their EYES.

Maybe the twelve could be simultaneously lost for no reason what so ever in a place unnamable in search of a way home so that they can go back to doing what each character does best.....

So perhaps LOST would be enough...
With taking over the world for the villians and prtecting the world for the super hero's and finding a way home for all involved through teamwork and understanding...some bits and jokes....

there there's some thinking done

Monday, October 02, 2006

monday monday blog 85

It'ss a new week...I am doing my second class for the Guelph youth 6 - 11....13 ogf them...and they're very we will work on games...plot and subplot development....character development....amd gerneral fun.....


The Illusionists

.....a B film that you will still say is a b film especiallly if you saw it twice...In the heart of Vienna at the turn of the Century..we find Ed Norton as an illlusionsts wowing the city with feats of magic...all the while his lost love just happens to be in line to marry the heir to the's a crazy world....

Paul Giamanti plays an awakward chief inspector, big suprise and the chick fgrom 7th heaven jessica Biel plays the love interest....

The evil guy the prince is very angry through it because he is in character or does he know that this is at times a comedy...

check out the walk in the castle scenes that happen the walls are quite interesting....

Finally in the end we see Jessica Biel wearing Genie pants in the arms of Norton...
Thus proving my theroy that the 80's are even coming back to the early 1900's....
long live 1985....

On reading Lullyaby.....By Chuck Panaschuck....

The beginings of the novel take you into the world of haunted house reality where we meet Helen a realtor with a gift of selling and reselling the same housers thirty to forty times...All because they have interesting quirks...some bleed through walls..others have dogs that bark all others of the day at you but have no's a luctrive business.....

We have Carl...aReporter who prides himself on knowing alll the little details....and works hard to keep himself one step from doing b everyone around him in with his anger....

One day through doing a piece on crib deaths he discovers a strange fact that a book has been at the scene of all the deaths he has covered...and all had a paticular page this he finds a song that will kill anyone who it is spoken at....

Thus the journey begins to save the world from a word killing machine....

it's a book driven on word noise..speed of thought..angry rants from all sides and generational thought lines drawn in the sands and fighting each other for suspremency.....